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What are the Different Types of Firewall and its Architectures?

A firewall is a type of cybersecurity tool that is used to filter traffic on a network. Firewalls can be used to separate network nodes from external traffic sources, internal traffic sources, or even specific applications. Firewalls can be software, hardware, or cloud-based, with each type of firewall having its own unique pros and cons.

The primary goal of a firewall is to block malicious traffic requests and data packets while allowing authorised traffic through.

Firewall Solutions in Dubai

Different types of Firewalls:

Firewalls are divided based on their general structure and method of operation.

Packet-filtering firewall: This the most basic type of firewall architecture that creates a checkpoint at a traffic router or switch. The firewall performs a simple check of the data packets coming through the router.

Circuit level firewall: It is a simple gateway that transmits or restricts traffic without consuming much of system’s resources.

Stateful inspection firewall: These firewalls combine both packet inspection technology and TCP handshake verification to create a level of protection greater than either of the previous two architectures could provide alone.

Proxy firewall: Proxy firewall operates at the application layer to filter incoming traffic between the network and the traffic source. These firewalls are delivered via a cloud-based solution or another proxy device.

Next generation firewall: Many of the most recently released firewall products are being touted as next generation architectures. Some of the common features of next generation firewall architectures include deep packet inspection, TCP handshake checks, and surface level packet inspection.

Software firewall: The firewalls installed on a local device are called as software firewalls. The benefit of a software firewall is that it’s highly useful for creating defense in depth by isolating individual network endpoints from one another.

Hardware firewall: Hardware firewall uses a physical appliance that acts in a manner similar to traffic router to intercept data packets and traffic requests before they are connected to the network servers. Physical appliance-based firewalls like this excel at perimeter security by making sure malicious traffic from outside the network is intercepted before the company’s network endpoints are exposed to risk.

Cloud Firewall: Whenever a cloud solution is used to deliver a firewall, it can be called a cloud firewall, or firewall-as-a-service (FaaS). The big benefit of having cloud-based firewalls is that they are very easy to scale with your organization.

Techno Edge Systems LLC offers reliable Firewall solutions to protect the entire network system and computers.

Our dedicated team of engineers provide the best Firewall Solutions Dubai for small and large businesses. We offer layered protection for your systems with our advanced technology Firewall installations. We ensure a robust firewall installation and provide complete protection against virus and ransomware.

Visit www.itamcsupport.ae to know more about reliable firewall solutions in Dubai.

